Monday, 18 July 2011

Progress! Sweet progress! (Part 1)

Well, I got a call this morning at about...a quarter to eight? It was my GP, calling me to let me know that the neurologist they e-mailed last Friday replied that evening, and said that although she would need to see my full medical history to know what would be the best thing to do, going on what the GP had told her about my current situation and the form of epilepsy I was diagnosed with, she recommended that I take a new medicine, which I have helpfully forgotten the name of. It began with a "C" though, so having looked through the UK anti-epileptic drugs list on Epilepsy Action's website, I think it was clonazepam. I shall come back later when I have picked up the prescription and correct myself, I expect.

Either way, I was quite impressed that, firstly, the neurologist responded so quickly, and secondly, that the GP got back to me very promptly as well. He actually apologised slightly for calling as early as he did - he didnt say as much but I expect it was so that he could get the call over and done with before his appointments for the day started, as my GP surgery offers appointments from quite early in the morning. Either way, I was up anyway. I usually am. Small children aren't exactly known for their late sleeping habits (more's the pity!).

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