Sunday, 1 January 2012

Welcome to 2012, Year of 366 Days!

So, here we are. It's a Sunday afternoon and the rain is falling, welcoming the New Year in a particularly British fashion. It's not that cold, not at all warm, just damp and a bit grotty.

I'm not here to write an obligatory "It's a New Year, so I promise to do Better this time" post. For starters, I'm a realist, and I've started too many diaries with the best of intentions, and then by the time February rolls around, not only have I stopped writing every day, I've gone and lost the dratted things. Heck, I could say the same for about halfway through January. And then, to be honest, I don't know that there are all that many things I could say I got wrong in the last year. 

Okay, so my organisation could stand to improve (heck, it could always stand to improve), and there are things I want to achieve this year that I had put on the back burner last year (there's only so much you can get done with two children under the age of four around), but overall I don't think I did that badly. 

I had surgery twice, made a wedding dress, got married, and completed NaNo (even if the story still needs major work). That's nothing to be ashamed of, especially when you add up all the little things that get done on the side. Actually, there are a lot of little things on the side. Maybe I should have a New Year's Resolution to not start too many things. But then, where's the fun in that?

I start the year one e-reader the richer, so I think that by the time the next January rolls around I'd like to have taken at least one step towards publication in some form. I tend to stick my head in the sand a little, and have spent the last few days discovering what is rapidly turning into an epiphany about e-publishing. Still not completely sold on that one, but I could give it a go for some of the things I've written, if not all. 

And of course, my CBT rolls on, too. Next appointment is on Tuesday, so we'll see how it goes. Having seizures around big family holidays is a real drag (and I had a fair few, so I know from experience), so that would be a good thing to get under control. I'm not going to set myself a "goal" with seizures though. My inner realist knows it's too much to hope that I'll be seizure-free within a year, and yet, aiming for anything less seems a little pessimistic. 

Plus, setting goals for health sets you up to fail, and then, not only are you more ill than you wanted to be, you're down about it too, because you promised yourself in a cloud of hope and optimism that it wouldn't happen. The way I see it, making promises about things you only have a finite amount of control over is setting yourself up for disappointment when circumstances beyond your control intervene. If something stressful happens to me, I will probably have more seizures. If I'm then stressing about the stress, and the fact that I wasn't "supposed" to have any more seizures that month, I don't think it's really going to help much. 

And, in other news, O and I decorated snowflake-shaped gingerbread biscuits today. They were delicious. Biscuits and sugar are a good start to anything. That's a new family tradition, right there. 

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